Regular Hours: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM Monday to Friday

Edmonton's premier full service hydraulic repair & custom machine shop
Dedicated to Alberta's industry since 1994.
Hydraulic cylinder repair Design, manufacturing & testing
We are a complete machine shop & welding facility with a large supply of components, filters and accessories. At Del West Hydraulic Services Ltd. we supply & repair hydraulic pumps, motors & valves.
Specializing In Repairing Hydraulic Cylinders, Pumps & Motors Used In Construction, Mining & Forestry Equipment
Including: Caterpillar | Komatsu | John Deere | Hitachi | Case | Volvo
Machine Shop
DEL WEST has complete custom machine shop facilities capable of handling diameters to 22″ and lengths up to 24′. Our machinist’s have over 20 years experience each as Alberta Journeymen.
Hydraulic Repair
Our repair and manufacturing facilities can handle cylinders up to 20″ bore and 24′ lengths. Every cylinder repaired is tested to manufacturer specifications to ensure your repair is done right the first time.
The most practical and cost effective repair
Our professional staff dismantle and inspect your hydraulic cylinder, pump, motor or valve to determine the appropriate course of action for the most practical and cost effective repair.